Tuesday, January 3, 2012

December (in pictures)

I am about to post my "2011: Year In Review" Q+A and thought I'd at least start with sharing some fun pictures from this past "holiday season".  To me, pics are WAY more fun to look at than reading a bunch of words about the past year of my life :)

  With the help of Mrs. Claus and a candy cane, Mia finally agreed to sit on Santa's lap...then proceeded to tell him she wanted "big girl" toys and a baby for Xmas
Free sleigh rides in Saint Anthony Park with mommy and daughter besties

Nate and I made homemade ice cream for our aunt/uncle/extended family gift this year...chocolate, strawberry and cinnamon :)  Mia "helped out" by washing some dishes with her mouth.
Took Mia to the 8th floor Macy's display as well as watched the Holidazzle Parade for the first time this year. She refused to wear her mittens outside and demanded animal crackers instead...eh, battle I didn't feel the need to pick that night :)
The above and below two pics are Mia learning how to wrestle, fly like an airplane and do the "People's Elbow" with her beloved, Koko...she LOVED this!

After learning how to do a "flip" with Koko...taaaa-daahhhh!

Mia with her brand new cousin, Eleanor....so proud of her cousin :)

Mia figuring out her nuts and bolts gift from Koko...she loved to help him at the shop this past year
had to take off her dress to get down and dirty with her tools
ahhhh, snuggle time with Koko and G
With cousin Ellie and auntie Rah-Rah

For Xmas at my parent's house, Mia had to play with and use everything she got IMMEDIATELY, especially this baby cradle and blanket
Feeding her new favorite doll she ultimately named Kayla
Requested cuddle time with Nana Kathy...she loved this

One of Mia's gifts from Santa was face paint (or face crayons)...they continue to be a huge hit
Soooo excited to be a cat/clown

Mia continuing to rack in the gifts this year...her new hat from Nantucket :)
annnnnndddd...no gift giving celebration can be complete without girly, sparkly, smelly lotion 

No, our entire December was NOT just about exchanging gifts; however, unfortunately, that happened to be the majority of the pictures we ultimately took...it is what it is.  It has taken SEVERAL years and the convenient excuse of being very pregnant, but we were very successful this year in limiting our daily events and activities during the holiday season.  Although we are very social people and love to try and "fit in" as much as possible, we decided to only have ONE event or gathering per day that we committed to.  In the end, this worked out wonderfully for us and I'm pleased that we did this....if nothing else, to support our collective sanity and coveted naps.  We'll see how we keep this up with two kids over the next few years.  K...now on to the crazy long and somewhat obnoxious post reflecting on 2011.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bye bye 2011....hello unknown

Fine, fine, I'll do it....do a post reviewing 2011 like everyone else in the world.  I suppose it will be easy because the "questions" are already prepared and I hope there is much less thinking involved.  And away we go....

1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?
A couple of travel firsts include going to Aruba and FINALLY going to Canada (Montreal).  We also flew with a young child for the first time.  Had our first attempts at formerly meal planning.  Went to pre-natal yoga for the first time.  Actually paid money for pedi/manis (other than doing this once for my wedding over 5 years ago).  I am also learning how to use an iPhone for the first time this year...I've been holding out and avoiding it for a long time :)  I'm grasping at straws here because there weren't many "firsts" that are significantly monumental that I think of.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't do new year's resolutions, I think they are lame and don't set people up for success.

3. Did anyone close to you have a child?
Um....everyone.  I think that at least someone from my close circle of friends has been pregnant for the past few years.  I have to say that the most exciting birth of this year has been my very first niece, Eleanor.  I am so lucky to have such an amazing BIL and SIL and now, a new 2 month old niece!!!!  In just a few weeks, I'll get to do the same for them with the birth of their first nephew! :)

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Knock on wood....I've had a pretty good streak these past few years without any close family or friend deaths.  I have found myself having interesting reactions to deaths of people that were not close to me.  An old colleague of mine lost her husband at a very young age and another former colleague recently had a stillborn baby (we were very close together in our due dates).  Although I had not seen or worked with either of these women in several years, I did feel a lot of sadness loss for them and their families.

5. Where did you travel? 
Travel has always been a HUGE value of mine and luckily I found a husband that mirrors my need to explore the world and indulge in the luxury of travel.  We started off 2011 with an in-law trip to Chicago for back to back Weezer shows.  In February, we rented an amazing house in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico with our neighbors who also have a toddler girl and are also pregnant with a boy due early 2012.  In April, we rented another private home in Aruba with Nate's family for what would be our last warm weather "beach" vacation before getting pregnant.  The plan was for my sister-in-law and I to "whoop it up" knowing we both had plans to extend our families soon after the trip....whoops...turns out she was about 9 weeks pregnant when we were there and was SICK AS A DOG the entire time there. Oh well, maybe next time.  The last trip was in October for a "babymoon" to Montreal, Canada with Nate.  Needless to say, we have been spoiled this past year and have certainly made it a priority to travel as much as possible.  Sprinkled throughout the summer were plenty of trips to multiple cabins as well.  

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
A healthy baby boy, more patience and the improved ability to let things go.

7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory?
Funny enough, I do NOT remember the date....but I'd have to say the day I found out that I was having another baby!

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? 
Still loving my job after a year is a big accomplishment for me.  I tend to get bored and move on with jobs after a couple of years and so far, I am seeing myself staying in my current position for the foreseeable future :)  I suppose I should throw something in about my parenting skillz or the fact that I got pregnant again RIGHT AWAY....so there you go: I think I have achieved some awesome parenting skillz and achieved the goal of getting pregnant when I wanted to.

 9. What was your biggest failure? 
I don't document personal failures....mainly because they don't exist.  Ha!!! 

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Since I am applying for short term disability this next month, I supposed I should claim my pregnancy as an illness...I know it's a stretch, but that's all I got.  In honesty, my pregnancy has been smooth sailing compared to what I have heard or witnessed from other people.  I have been tired and achy but nothing anywhere near to morning sickness or nausea.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Although this first year has essentially been free, the best thing we have bought has been a "membership" to Amazon Prime.  I LOVE IT!  I can't live without it...I highly recommend checking it out if you have no idea what I am talking about.  I also love our new back deck patio furniture and am very excited to use it again this spring/summer and fall.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mia's...because overall, she is a wonderful child, has caused us very little stress and really does not give us much to complain about at all.  Our families...because they have constantly been supportive to us as a couple and as parents continually offering to watch and take care of Mia so we can have alone time individually or as a couple.  My close friends...because without them, my life would just plain suck and be unbearably boring.  Nate...because he continues to put up with me and support us in many many ways.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? 
Weird question....I can't think of anyone..I try not to surround myself with people like this.

14. Where did most of your money go? 
Same old, same old.....mortgage, day care, groceries and general bills.  We did spend a significant amount of money this year on traveling, but to us...it is essential and absolutely worth it.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Vacations, traveling, the anticipation of having a second child, having a niece, successfully transitioning our daughter into her big girl room/big girl bed/eliminating her Nuk and working towards potty training.  I also get very excited about many of Mia's milestones and her developing new skills and character traits...she is so funny!

16. What song will always remind you of 2011? 
Even though I can no longer tolerate them...that damn Pumped Up Kicks song and anything by Adele seems to on replay on most stations.  Otherwise, I have been getting very attached to Holocene by Bon Iver...for some reason it makes me emotional and has somehow become the song that reminds me of the baby boy growing in my belly....it's going to be like "our song".  No rhyme or reason...it just is. 

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder?b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? 
a) A little bit of both actually....depends on the day.  I get happy when I think about all of our accomplishments, passions and abilities to make things happen but also find myself getting sad about knowing that "this is it" when it comes to pregnancies, kids, etc.  The thought of never having a one day old baby again makes me sad...but I will get over that REAL quick I imagine :)  b) Fatter (now as I am almost 37 weeks pregnant) but overall...I maintained my weight almost to the pound for the majority of the year. c) Richer :)  I settled in to my new job this year and made more than I have in the past few years and am so lucky to also only be working 80% of the time with my Mondays off and leaving at 3pm on Fridays.  Nate continues to be the breadwinner not only through his "real" job but with his side jobs of photography and now a new venture which taps in to many of his skills and passions....we are so fortunate and thankful.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Random, but I wish I would have gone skiing this past year and maybe done more outdoor stuff like biking and sledding since I can't do it now.  I would have liked to do more reading, yoga and baking as well.  And flossing.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? 
Overindulging in sweets, drinking pop, complaining, nit-picking and worrying about robbers breaking in to our house at night.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Done and done!  We limited ourselves to one "event" or gathering per day whether it was over the actual weekend of Xmas or some other day.  I am so happy we did this.  We all were more able to be fully "present" at each gathering, fit in naps and go to bed at reasonable times....it was great.

21. Did you fall in love in 2011? 
Eh, I'm sure I'm supposed to say something nice about Mia, Nate and the growing boy in my belly...but I don't really feel like I've fallen in love with anyone new this year...maybe that's not the point.  Either way, we'll just say no for now :)

22. What was your favorite TV program?
How does one pick?!  Dexter, So You Think You Can Dance, Californication, United States of Tara, Mad Men, Modern Family.  My favorite tv program is DVR :)

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Hate is a strong word.  No, I do not.

24. What was the best book you read?
Eh, I wish I would have read more this past year.  Unfortunately, nothing really stands out from this past year but I hope to get back in to reading over my maternity leave...we'll see how that goes.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
What does this mean?  Band I figured out I enjoyed or some random musical talent of my own?  I don't get it, I'm bored with this question. :)

26. What did you want and get? 

27. What did you want and not get? 
A gift certificate for a massage for Xmas....not like that'll stop me from scheduling an appointment though, hehehe :)

28. What was your favorite film of this year?
Yikes, too many to choose from!  Don't know where to being...so I'm just not going to.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 
I turned 32 on May 9th and I believe I had just recently found out I was pregnant...so that was fun and also sucked at the same time :)  I can not recall what I did for my birthday...it seems like forever ago.  I'll blame this one on pregnancy memory loss.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
How realistic does this need to be?  Traveling the world with all of my close friends and family, winning the lottery, having 365 nights of glorious rejuvenating sleep, being able to sleep in 365 days of the year, free day care, unlimited supply of ice cream delivered to my house each week, a sexy male cook and masseuse with incredible hands...oh I could keep going with this one :)

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Sporadic depending on the mood and occasion, un-inventive, safe but always including dangle earrings.

32. What kept you sane? 
My friends, family, health and access to snacks. :)

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? 
Ryan Gossling

34. What political issue stirred you the most? 
The fact that political issues continue to "stir" people up....stirs me up.

35. Who did you miss? 
My friends from London and China...in general, my friends that I do not get to see as much as I'd like to because of where we happen to live.

36. Who was the best new person you met? 
The new babies that have been born this past year....including but not limited to: Camden, Sam, Alice, Ellen, Eleanor...

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
-Aim for progress, not perfection.
-Reasons are rarely limited to an "either/or"...it's usually a "both/and".
-No one gets to make you feel______(fill in the blank) without your permission.
-It should be completely acceptable and encouraged for people to "cool off" before attempting any type of productive conversation that might be stemming from stress, anxiety or frustration.

OMG that took FOREVER!  If you didn't notice, I got WAY too bored doing this.  I don't think I'll be doing this again next year...at least not with 37 questions!