How old is Mia?...just ask her :) She will quickly let everyone know that she is two and a half, that she is a "big girl" and that she wears undies...she will then likely ask you about your undies too. The other day, she asked if my undies were her undies and if daddy wore undies too. Potty and underwear talk is a fairly common topic of conversation lately. I am proud to say that Mia has been potty trained for over a month including overnight. She HAS had accidents sprinkled through the past month and a half but she has done really really well in my opinion. We don't put her in pull ups at all anymore, we limit her liquid intake at night and make it a point to encourage her to use the bathroom as much as she can. I have noticed that she is getting better and better with telling us ahead of time that she has to go poop or pee, rather than us always being the initiators of a bathroom break. Yay Mia!!!! We are proud, she is proud and now we just hope we can maintain the success and have as few accidents as possible.
Mia's first time eating Bugles chips...she enjoy making her "claws"
Mia getting her second "real" hair cut, she LOVED the blue lolly pop
Mia has really been thinking out loud for a while now and as cute as I thought it would really is exhausting. She asks about everything, which I don't really's HOW she asks it. She will always ask where something goes, where so-and-so's house is, if she can go there or if she can see it and she is SUPER in to knowing everyone's name and who their daddy is, who their mommy is and naming every freaking member of their family. So needless to say, her questions don't stop with the simple "what is that?" She's not super in to the "why" of everything but does tend to want clarification of many things. She in to counting a lot, ABC's, names, opposites, using adjectives, and pointing out when things match (two big ones, two little ones, we both are wearing polka dots, this and that are both yellow, etc.). I wish I had all of her little ideas and questions on tape...some day.
Smelling the tulips at Minnehaha Falls
Although Mia makes me laugh on a daily basis, she also makes me count down the seconds to when I can put her down for bed and get a break from her. She is typical toddler naughty and attitude, but people have been telling me "it's a stage" and "it won't last long" for a few months now. Maybe 3 is the magic number and maybe I'm just extra annoyed since she was such a good baby. I think my annoyance and frustration with Mia is more about me not wanting to believe MY daughter would not want to share, be nice or eat all of the food I worked so hard to prepare...and MY daughter would never hit, kick, take from or push any of her friends. But, they matter who your mom or dad is. I think it is sometimes difficult for Mia because we tend to host a lot of the gatherings for our groups of friends and so therefore, she is usually the one expected to share all of her stuff, her space, etc. She obviously has to get over that and learn to deal but I think I may do more prep discussions with her and maybe talk more about it with her ahead of time. I may actually have her choose a few coveted toys that she can hide or keep in a "special spot" for the day that no one will play with (including her) so she knows they are safe...with the expectation that everything is fair game and she must share....any other ideas? I just noticed the difference the other day how patient and polite she was to ask for the toys of other kids and taking turns when it isnt her house and aren't her things. Eh, whatever...they can duke it out as long as no one gets hurt I guess.
Busted out the pool last week...we have had a wonderful start to spring with unseasonably warm weather...March in particular :)
Mia is super in to being a "big kid" lately and acting like an adult...a mommy to be exact. I have caught her "nursing" her babies, changing their diapers, pumping, wiping the floor, cleaning up, requesting lipstick and nail polish, etc. She keeps telling me things about her babies and apparently she now has a granddaughter too (an Elmo doll at a friend's house). Here are a few Mother's Day dinner pics in her "pretty girl" dress, red nail polish, hair clip and fancy necklace...she loved every second. :)
Helping G with dinner by buttering the bread
Sitting with the adults waiting for her wine
twirling in her dress on a gorgeous day
taking a Sunday drive with uncle Erik
Mia also is starting to sing more and more. She knows so many songs that I had no idea she knew. She picks a lot up at day care and from her various grandmas too (and Im sure some from Dora). She requests songs at bedtime and will correct me if I mess up the words; however, she also likes in invent her own words or phrases in songs. For example, she thought it was the funniest thing to change the words to Old McDonald and she said "and on his farm he had some pants/undies/socks/shoes"...but then she got stuck when it came to the sounds those items would make :) Since I had Jack, it was important for me to have "Mia time" as well. So I decided to sign us up for our third session of Music Together classes. We are just wrapping up week 8 out of 10 and we have had a blast. She loves music class, loves the teacher and loves dancing around. I love seeing her in a social setting apart from her friends she sees all the time or has known for so long. In those settings, she of course can be naughty, bossy, possessive of her things, etc (typical toddler girl sass); however, in music class, she is so polite, shares, and picks up SOOOO well....she even sometimes snuggles in my lap during the lullaby song. It's been nice having that hour a week just the two of us...two more weeks left and then I'll have to find something else...maybe dance class or swimming or even grabbing a coffee and smoothie at Caribou on the weekends.
playing at Snail Lake and park on a recent warm weather day
MJ playing Mommy, Mia playing Baby
Oh baby aren't my little baby anymore. I never thought you'd grow up, walk, talk or butter your own bread and now that you have done all of these things I can't wait to see what is next. I know I've had a successful day when I have gotten my hugs, kisses and I love yous and when I've had a good laugh from something you just did or told me...thank you for those moments each day.