Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Holidays!

"Happy Huurlidays, Welcome to Tuuurget Cuuurcles"....does anyone remember that fantastic SNL clip a few years back?  Makes me laugh every time.  Well, apparently it isn't even winter yet but I am so OVER this snow and cold.  Scratch that.  I'm over the cold, but I do like the snow...when it is cute, puffy and soft. Anywho, before next week comes and I get too busy with the multiple array of events, gatherings and obligations, I wanted to include our family's chosen holiday card this year.  My apologies if you do not receive a "real life" one in the mail; perhaps you can consider this as your card without the pressure of feeling like you have to hang us on your refrigerator. 

This is the front of our card stock, this makes me want to SQUEEEEEZE Miss Mia

This is the back of the card.  I am aware she looks like a boy
but there is nothing I can do to make her hair grow...
I am told I was basically bald until I was over 2 years old

The runner up picture that did not make Nate's cut...
FYI, I would have included this one :)

From our family to yours, we wish you all of the happiness, joy, safety and FUN this holiday season.

Molly, Nate and Mia 2010


  1. Even if she did have hair, it would be covered by the hat anyway :) This better appear in our back porch soon.

  2. God I love Tarrrget Lady

  3. I really hope that she makes an appearance in a holiday SNL!!! Tauurrrrget Lady that is, not Mia. Althought I'm sure Mia would be a HIT on SNL :)
