Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No, I'm not psychotic...I'm just 35 weeks pregnant

Please tell me this is not some crazy manifestation of psychosis...but I have been having SUPER weird dreams lately about my pregnancy.  This happened while I was pregnant with Mia as well and I remember hearing similar tales of bizarre dreams other moms have had....I'm not the only one, right?  I'll share with you a few of my dreams so you get a sense of the crazy that is in my brain.

Most crazy dream during my pregnancy with Mia:
Whooooo-weeeee, brace yourself.  Essentially, I dreamt that I basically gave birth to a clean white baby goat.  I held this goat as if it were a "real baby" and nursed it...yup, I nursed the goat.  This goat would only nurse from one side and I recall being frustrated about this.  In the frustration, I looked away from the goat to collect my thoughts and calm myself down.  By the time I looked back down at the goat, it had switched into one of those flesh colored troll dolls with the stand up hot pink hair that you see on casino billboards.  I think by that point, the craziness of the dream allowed me to wake up...thank GAWD!

Most bizarre dream I've had during my current pregnancy:
Seriously folks, I can't make this shit up.  Okay, so I probably had about 5 intense and vivid dreams last night ranging from a wacko pregnancy/birth/delivery scare to me somehow slip-n-sliding down an escalator of a shopping mall with Chinese school kids, while being chased and hunted by drug dealers.  Yeah.  So, the pregnancy dream portion...I dreamt that I was starting to feel some intense movement (from the baby) in my belly and I can only describe it as somewhat Pac-Man style in nature where the baby was CONSTANTLY moving back and forth and back and forth up and down across my belly...AND, you could see it detail.  I remember looking at my stomach actually seeing the baby scurry across my belly as if he was in some video game.  Then, the baby grew larger (kind of like how Pac Man gets energy and new powers once he eats the fruit).  Here is where it gets way weird...if it wasn't that way already :)  This baby grew to be essentially life sized as a 3mo old...but was still in my belly...and I could still SEE him.  I could basically see every single detail of this baby's facial features, fingers, belly, toes, etc as if I was looking at him through some flesh colored Saran Wrap. I rushed myself to the hospital to check this out and was admitted right away.  Then, in similar form as my other dreams...this kid shifted in to being a puppy dog....still same sized, still in my belly, still able to see this puppy's features like looking through Saran Wrap.  This is a bit nasty but then puppy got sick and threw up...and you could see it but not feel it because the puppy was still in my belly.  This caused some concern for the doctors and I had an emergency C-section and was later presented with a beautiful healthy, fluffy cute little puppy.  Then I woke up.  I know, right?

The moral of this story is to NOT eat a huge bowl of Capn Crunch at 9pm on a "school night" while also watching an intense episode of Breaking Bad.

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