Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Time for Thanks

I had mild contractions on a continual basis for three days prior to Thanksgiving.  I was hyper-altert and sensitive to this because a family member of ours had JUST been put on modified bed rest a couple days before and we are only 2 weeks apart.  I was getting a bit worried and ended up calling the after hours midwife hotline and requested a last minute appointment at my local clinic.  I was hooked up to the monitor for about 40 min, tests we done and results were given....everything was just fine.  Whew!  The recommendations were to lay low, take it easy and try to relax and hydrate as much as possible over the holiday weekend.  This was welcomed advice and I took it to heart.

A few of the late fall and Thanksgiving "lay low" events have included a leisurely gathering of friends and family at my parent's house for turkey day, the making of Mia's first ginger bread house, decorating our home and mini fake Xmas tree and a casual morning trip to the Children's Museum.  Here are some highlights and a couple videos for your viewing pleasure :)

Mia kissing her pseudo (not blood related) cousin, Cole at Thanksgiving...
he's an older man who just turned 3

He's SOOOO playing the shy hard to get's working

alright Mia, we get it...enough already

helping me decorate the tree, this did not last long and she got bored right away...maybe next year

getting her apron/smock on before making her 1st ginger bread house

such focus...for those 10 seconds at least

This is Frosty...ANY snowman is Frosty, and he is her favorite part of her house.
She still stops and talks to him on occasion.

This is a very brief video from our recent Sunday morning at the Children's Museum with our "cat", Mia

I have so incredibly much to be thankful for, it's not even funny.  Although I believe everyone is entitled to a bitch and moan session once in a while, I truly have very little in my life to legitimately complain about.  Here is a small sample list of some things I am thankful for this year: having Mondays off from work, a new appreciation for Caribou, Starbucks and neighborhood coffee shops, donuts and pastries, meal planning, a 2-3 car garage, a split level 3 bedroom home, an emotionally and financially supportive husband, a funny and full of character daughter, date nights, multiple family and friends willing to watch Mia on any given day or weekend, the desire to travel and the determination to make it happen, this MacBook Air, ice cold water, butter finger blizzards, sweets, carbs, prenatal yoga classes, heated seats in one of our cars, a job that challenges me and makes me laugh, my hand held scotch-brite scrubber so I dont ever have to actually touch the nasty wet food that collects on various dishes, chap stick, white noise, DVR, monthly girl's night dinner, massages, neighbors/friends/family, and most own continued health and the health of my family.

(The husband is working on updating Mia's ginger bread making video....I'll add that later when it's ready)

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