Thursday, November 18, 2010

So much for being married to "The Computer Wiz"...and my Ode to good friends post

After what seemed like eternity, but was really just 30 minutes, my "I know everything about computers" husband could not figure out how to allow me certain access to Picasa so I can more easily upload and attach photos.  That being said, there will most likely NOT be photos in this blog unless they are from "old skool" pictures still sitting around in that lame folder called "Pictures" from our start menu.  On to the post:

Ode to Good Friends
I'm not trying to brag or anything, but my friends are WAY cooler than yours.  In this past month, my close girlfriends have reached new depths of our friendships in ways I have looked forward to the past several years.  Equally, my newly acquired great friends have graduated from their previously held title of "neighbors" and have also contributed to countless nights where I go to bed thinking: "man, we are so lucky to have such awesome friends as our neighbors!"  As an only child, I have relied on my ability to create and maintain long lasting friendships.  I haven't always been great at this, but in order for me to stay sane and build social skills at a young age...I was forced to make friends...who have now essentially become my siblings.  If it wasn't for my friends, I would still be getting tucked in at night by my 60+ year old parents and talking to my imaginary friends (the leading men from the hit show CHIPS) as soon as they turned on the night light and shut the door.  So, what qualities do we look for in friends, how do we know we can trust them and at what point do strengthen the connection or loosen the ties?  In school, much emphasis is placed on the quantity of friends you have rather than the quality of those friendships...I think this is a mistake.  We all know that the older we get, the less time we ultimately have for mere acquaintances.  I still know people my age who have 3-4 things planned each Friday AND Saturday night and I wonder whether or not these people are really satisfied knowing they can only stay at each location for a drink or a quick update chat before moving on the next obligation.  That is the key word here my friends: OBLIGATION.  I want no one to ever feel obligated to be my friend and I equally never ever want to say I am your friend because of some weird pinky swear we made back in 7th grade home economics class.  I am too old and too busy to make room in my life for obligatory friends.  But more importantly, I am so blessed and honored to have such a wonderful group of friends that I can't imagine wanting to spread myself so thin where my tried and trusted friendships just wither away.

So now after this rant, I ask myself why I love Facebook so much and does that make me a hypocrite?  Hmmm, I don't think so and here's why:  Facebook quenches my thirst for local or familiar faced drama, gossip and sometimes genuine interest in the happenings of my aforementioned acquaintances.  It's like taking one puff from a nasty cigarette but not feeling like I have to finish the WHOLE thing in regret. You feel buzzed for a second but ultimately end up feeling dirty and gross thinking "why did I just waste my time with that?" With regard to my close friends, Facebook provides humor, inside jokes, captured memories and a quick and easy way to connect in our busy lives as spouses, employees, travelers and parents.  It's like taking your first lick of bubble gum ice cream; you eat all of the awesome ice cream before it melts, all the while knowing that you can save and cash in on those little jewels of bubble gum when you are ready.

I am horrible at analogies but LOVE bubble gum ice cream and wanted to include it somehow.  To all my good friends out there: you are the bubble gum in my ice cream :)

Just Sayin'


  1. Tell your computer whiz husband he should have just been using flickr from the start, and then this would have been a lot easier.

    I have issues with losing touch with people. Even if we have nothing in common anymore, I just can't let go. I need to be better at cutting ties so I can NOT be one of those people with a zillion things every weekend! It's exhausting. We never double book at least.

  2. PS - I did succeed at my media fast last night, JUST SAYIN
